Was born in Prague, moved to the US in September 2023 as a dedicated Czech compatriot teacher sent by the Czech government. She teaches children, the youngest Žabičky and older Sluníčka and also adults, in-person and online, and co-organizes cultural and educational events for the community. She has a Master's degree in Czech studies and more than ten years of teaching experience.
Luba was born in Nova Bana in Slovakia and moved to the US in 2014. She lives in Roswell, GA with her husband and three sons. She teaches Sovy, our older Slovak children classes. She has a Masters degree in elementary education. She also teaches at Mt. Zion preschool.
Fedor hails from Slovakia, small village called Kaplna. He move to the US in 2021 and lives in Sandy Springs. He teaches the smaller Rybky, the smaller Slovak class. He has a technical background but strong interest and experience with children through camp counseling. He is excited to learn more about Czech and Slovak traditions through the lens of children and be part of the school community.